Full name: Jaycie Simple
Age: 18
D.O.B: (Day and month) January 31
Birthplace: Bath, England
Current location: London, England
Blood status: Halfblood
Occupation: Student
Major: Potioneering
Year in University: First
Hair style: Blonde; loose and layered. Generally worn in an off-her-face style that gradually falls back into her face as the day wears on.
Body type: Petite and slender.
Dress sense: Modest and feminine.
Likes: Solitude, nature, gardening, kindness.
Dislikes: Excitement, people, risks, confrontation.
Quirks: Very quiet voice.
Flaws: Intensely shy; socially anxious. Better at the practical than the theoretical. Highly passive person.
Strengths: Independent, empathetic, keen and talented herbologist.
Weaknesses: Socialising, connecting with people, studying (especially things that don't interest her).
More Information
Jaycie grew up in the quiet countryside skirting Bath with just her magical mother and herself. Much of her youth was spent wandering through field and forest, inspecting every plant she could get her hands on. The only books she ever read were of a botanical nature, and she enjoyed finding her own examples of plants to press alongside their pictures in the books.
She has always been a shy person, and found it difficult to make friends while she was younger. As she grew older, and especially whilst she was at Hogwarts, Jaycie began to dread interacting with people. She was incredibly self-conscious, hypersensitive to her own awkwardness and just generally filled with anxiety whenever the opportunity to speak to others presented itself. So she avoided people at all costs, and still does.
Most interested in magical (and mundane) plants and their properties, Jaycie's favourite class was Herbology, closely followed by Potions. Because both classes had strong practical elements, Jaycie thrived and invested more and more energy into the two subjects. Anything with a lot of required reading or research was the bane of her existence; she finds it difficult to concentrate on large blocks of text.
Even though she'd rather not socialise, she often watches people from afar and will never let a kind or good deed go unnoticed. But, instead of openly thanking them, Jaycie will leave small tokens of gratitude in strategic places, or she will arrange things to be in said person's favour as best she can. She will never admit it was her, though - that would take a far braver person than she!
Father: Unknown
Mother: Nigella Simple
Siblings: None
Spouse: None
Girlfriend/Boyfriend: None
Children: None
Other (Optional)
Wand: Rowan and Phoenix Feather, 11 inches, quite flexible.
Broomstick: None
Pets: None
School that they went to: Hogwarts
House they were in: Hufflepuff
Why you chose your major: She has the greatest need to know more about plants and the mysterious world of what they can do.
OOC Alias: Dawn
Best Way To Contact: PM