Grace smiled as she sat the homework file down. She wrote a letter on it for future reference:
Dear Students,
Here is where you will post your homework. I expect very detailed posts on every assignment, and EVERYTHING has to have your name on it. Even if I can figure out who the assignment belongs too, they will receive a zero for it. If the assignment is not turned in on time, a 10% off penalty for the assignment will be executed (NO EXCEPTIONS). This class here to not only teach you how to get out of tough situations, but about life as well. We are all adults here, and I expect you to behave as such. If you do not turn in two assignments, I will give a warning, and the third assignment not turned in, will result in dismissal. Abide by these rules, and we won't have a problem. I hope to see everybody in class, and I hope everyone has fun!
Professor Grace A. Cavanaugh
Traps and Escapes Professor