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Merlin's Academy for Excellence
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to inactivity, Merlin's Academy is no longer a Harry Potter RP site. It is being used for CASUAL, CLEAN RP of ANY TOPIC among friends. If you wish to join, however, please feel free; we would love to make new friends. Thanks to everyone who made MAE what it was before, and we wish you all lots of love and a great life up ahead. <3

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     Lesson 1- Combat

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    Scarlett Waters
    Scarlett Waters

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    Lesson 1- Combat Empty
    PostSubject: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyTue Oct 04, 2016 11:17 pm

    It was a beautiful autumn afternoon, and time for one of the first classes- combat. Scarlett decided that she'd have it outside. The air was brisk, fresh and there was a slight breeze that rustled her hair. The class would be split into two- heroes combat ad sidekicks combat. She wasn't entirely on board with separating students as such- but that was just the way things worked.

    She made sure all the activities were ready for when the students came, with posters clearly labelling where students were meant to gather.
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    Hazel Johnson
    Hazel Johnson
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyTue Oct 04, 2016 11:21 pm

    Hazel stepped into the grounds and shielded her eyes against the glare of the sun. It wasn't that bright, but she'd always had problems adjusting from light to dark, and it took her a few more moments before she could see well enough to make her way down the path. School had started only a couple months ago, but already Hazel knew enough to wish she had been born abnormal, without any powers of any sort. After all, it was awkward being labelled as a side-kick.

    Oh, every hero needed one, and she knew the importance of her job, but the label and the looks she got from people were always uncomfortable. Besides, it wasn't as if she told any of her classmates what she could do. The principal had thought it best that she kept it to herself, mostly because it was a dangerous thing and if people knew, she might be feared.

    Emotional control, it seemed, was ever the curse as it had been since she discovered she had it.

    Stepping into the field, she pushed the thoughts away from her mind, gave both Professors there a smile, and moved to stand by the 'side-kick' sign.
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    Madison Bishop
    Madison Bishop
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyTue Oct 04, 2016 11:29 pm

    Madison walked hand in hand with her sister as they made their way down to the class. 'Heros', they'd been called, something that amused them both; neither considered themselves the kind to want to help people, but they were beautiful, and with beauty came power, and coupled with their true powers? Well, that always went well.

    Telekinesis. It was amazing how they'd discovered it, what with the flying cake and Nanny 23 and the pots and pans... It had been an interesting day, even more so when they discovered that there were (almost) no limits to what they could do - when together. Separate, nothing really worked, but when they were together? Together they could reign hell on anyone and everyone who stood in their way.

    Except for the part where they were called 'heros', of course.

    "Professors," she greeted, with a smile, moving to stand in front of the hero section of the class. She heard Melody mimic her greeting as they walked together, as they always did.
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    Violet Lynch
    Violet Lynch
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyTue Oct 04, 2016 11:36 pm

    Class outside seemed, to Violet, much better than class inside a sweaty old gym. The air was fresh and clean, not damp and gross. She'd been classified a hero, but she knew she was anything but. Pyro-kinesis was a powerful power, but her mind was far from. She knew that she didn't seem to fit in with the heroes, nor the side kicks. She was a force to be reckoned with- a power that fostered destruction and violence. But she kept those thoughts to herself, naturally.

    She walked out and over to the heroes section, not being one to really acknowledge any of the teachers.
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    Madison Bishop
    Madison Bishop
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyTue Oct 04, 2016 11:43 pm

    There was only one other person there, besides Melody, and that was a stupid side-kick. During orientation, the girl - Hazel - hadn't shown an ounce of powers, and instantly she'd been placed in the side-kick group. What a powerless freak like her was doing in Sky High, Madison would never understand. Perhaps she had some sort of hidden abilities kept secret for the protection of all, she scoffed, sarcastically. Even if that was the case, it was a stupid thing to do. Powers were meant to be used.

    Footsteps caught her attention and she turned to see another 'hero' join them. Violet - what was it with parents and colours for names? - someone who had control over fire. That was always a useful power to have, and easy to destroy things, too, if need be.

    "Hi-hi," she thrilled to the girl. They were... friends, Madison supposed, not that the word actually meant anything. Friends were people you used, who could offer you the most. And, in some cases, whom you could offer certain things to, as well.
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    Arthur Silverstone
    Arthur Silverstone
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptySat Oct 08, 2016 7:28 pm

    Arthur looked around at the other students when he entered. He knew that some might not believe that he could really see the future, there were so many con people that did that after all. But he didn't mind. It would give him an advantage if they underestimated him.

    He had been classified as a hero, seeing the future was a powerful thing and his training in physical defense didn't hurt. But he hadn't ever imagined himself to end up defending people until he became an Auror.

    "Professors," he greeted before taking his place in the hero section. He wasn't sure if he was comfortable about being called a hero so soon.

    Last edited by Arthur Silverstone on Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Lucy Waters
    Lucy Waters
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptySun Oct 09, 2016 3:23 am

    Honestly, Lucy was not excited to be taught by her older sister. It was awkward to say the least. Though she had to admit, having her sister there did give her the slightest boost of confidence. Her sister had been deemed a sidekick in high school- her power being rather passive at the time of the decision. But Lucy, she was a hero. She could control water and was working on forming ice. She wasn't quite there yet, but she knew that she was improving.

    She made her way over to where class was being held, and headed to the heroes side, where she saw a few others had gathered. The fire girl whose name she didn't really remember, and the twins, and the boy who could see the future. She greeted her sister and the other professor that was also teaching the class and stood by the hero group, unsure of whether to engage in conversation.
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    Melody Bishop
    Melody Bishop

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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyMon Oct 10, 2016 5:02 am

    Melody was excited to start her hero training. Not that she considered herself or Madison to be particularly heroic- it was the social status that came with it. Hero meant powerful, and when she was with her sister, the possibilities were almost limitless. She greeted the professors with a smile, as her sister did once they reached the heroes area for training. Madison was the first to notice the other girl (Violet, was it?) join them. Her sister jumped at the chance to say hi, and naturally, she followed.

    "You're the one with the fire, right?" she asked, cheerfully. She knew the answer, but she asked because it's helpful to make friends, or acquaintances early on. Showing interest usually worked. Growing up, she'd come to realise how valuable a bubbly personality could be.
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    William Clarence
    William Clarence

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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyMon Oct 10, 2016 5:15 am

    The first day at high school and (unsurprisingly) he'd been told he was sidekick material. Fair enough too. He didn't see how understanding all different languages would really be enough to save the world. Unless on the off chance that he's have to negotiate with people that didn't speak any languages of the earth. But he didn't suppose that he'd be communicating with aliens or having to talk to ancient gods any time soon.

    Alas, he'd have to settle for learning hand to hand combat and technology. He made his way over to the area and noticed only one other person in the sidekick's group had turned up so far. With nothing to lose, he walked over to her "Hi, I'm Will," he introduced herself. He might as well make one friend.
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    Violet Lynch
    Violet Lynch
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyMon Oct 10, 2016 6:30 am

    "You're the one with the fire, right?"

    Violet hadn't expected anyone to start a conversation with her. Honestly, no one ever did. She'd been told by her mother that it was due to her posture, her attitude, her presentation. Not that she cared much. The ones that did talk to her usually weren't worth her time.

    "Yeah, the fire one," she replied shortly and gave a tight, bordering on sarcastic, smile. "And you're the twins that can move stuff with your mind…", stating the obvious as the other twin had.
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    Brooke Astrid
    Brooke Astrid

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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyMon Oct 10, 2016 5:54 pm

    Being a hero had never been something Brooke had imagined she'd be. Sure, shapeshifting was an incredible power to have, but it had never crossed her mind she'd be classified as a hero. Still, school had been a great experience, and she'd made many friends including Scarlett, a sidekick who she now worked with.

    Nobody had expected her to settle down with Joe of all people, a shy sidekick that barely talked to people, but that was who she fell in love with, and that was who she married. For many years, she worked alongside a great team of people until such a time that she fell pregnant. Deciding that it was time to properly settle down and start a family, she left the active field, instead working behind the scenes. So, when they asked her to come back to teach combat, she'd accepted at once.

    There was nothing better than inspiring a whole new batch of to-be heroes and sidekicks, especially with the unrest that was rumoured to be stirring up. Greeting each student as they came in, Brooke checked their names off the list. Once enough people were there, they'd begin.
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    Hazel Johnson
    Hazel Johnson
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyMon Oct 10, 2016 5:57 pm

    She kept her eyes downcast, looking around anywhere and everywhere but the group beside her. She could hear them - loud and clear like always - but never bothered to get to know them. Or rather, they never bothered getting to know her. Friends had never been a priority to her, although it was nice if she actually had some. It wasn't really a problem - as long as they didn't bully her or anything it'd be fine - except that she could sense emotions. And what they felt about her was never comforting.

    A noise from beside her made her turn, and her lips curled into an automatic smile as she saw one of the other sidekicks there. William, she recalled from the announcement of new students made earlier that week. He was always nice to everyone in general since she first saw him, and more than that, she never sensed any kind of hostility from him. Then again, from someone who's power was mainly communication - or, rather, the understanding of any and all languages - she didn't expect much else. "Hi! I'm Hazel," she replied, smiling.
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    Amber Carter
    Amber Carter
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyMon Oct 10, 2016 5:59 pm

    Term had started a few months before, but Amber had been one of the later intakes, along with a boy named William and a few others. She'd never met them, of course, preferring to stick to herself. Powers were nothing she asked for; then again, she hadn't asked for anything, except perhaps a chance at normality. But that was far from what she got, and for Amber, coping was all that she ever learnt to do.

    Control over air particles was deemed as something a sidekick would have, considering that she couldn't use it for much; she wasn't powerful. Mostly, she used it to see things around corners, or from distances away, able to bend the air into mirrors of sorts, allowing her to see things either too far away or hidden. As long as they were in open air - in places where the wind could blow - she would be able to recreate the image in front of her. It enabled her to listen in on anything she wanted to, should she choose it, but what use was that when she was Deaf?

    So a sidekick she was. Having been told that all her professors knew about her ... condition ... Amber wasn't too worried. What bothered her most, though, was the area of friends. Would they accept her? Or avoid her? There was only one way to find out, and Amber took a deep breath as she stepped over to the sidekick group, smiling at the two others there. One of them - another female - smiled at her and her mouth moved quickly, in what appeared to be a greeting. Holding back a wince, Amber shrugged, pointing to her ears with a shake of her head. Slowly and carefully, she mouthed the words "I'm Deaf", as she'd practised in front of a mirror.
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    Gabriel Long
    Gabriel Long
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyMon Oct 10, 2016 6:00 pm

    Healing. That was his great superpower, and despite his parents - one of whom could fly; the other had telekinesis - he was more than accepting of his gift. It was fantastic, after all, to be able to help people in a real way. And while flying was cool, and moving things with your mind was incredible, Gabriel knew that healing was something he would never, ever give up for something else. While the heroes were off fighting villains and whatnot, they would have to wait for something to happen that needed them; Gabriel, on the other hand, knew that he would always be needed, for not a day went by that someone, somewhere, wasn't injured.

    Be it a kid who fell off their bike, or a man who got hit by a car, Gabriel only needed to enter any hospital to be useful. Of course, he was limited in what he could do and what he couldn't, and extended use of his powers exhausted him beyond belief. He'd come to learn his limits, after just one day at the hospital where he'd passed out and needed a week before he could even sit up on his own.

    Hopefully, though, this school would help him become better. Making his way down to the field, he already had a slight smile on his face. It was a good day. "Morning, professors," he greeted, moving over to his group and repeating the greeting to everyone there.

    "I'm Gabriel, nice to meet you," he added, looking around at the three others there.
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    Melody Lovegood
    Melody Lovegood
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyThu Oct 20, 2016 10:27 pm

    Her power was still relatively new to her. She could see through objects like it was rumored that Mad-Eye Moony's eye had. Wondering if she was late Melody made her way to the sidekick side.

    "Morning professors," she said before taking her place. She looked around at the others there trying to determine if anyone had started doing anything. Out of everyone in the field she recognized Gabriel, Brooke and the professor.

    Maybe more people are coming, Melody thought.

    "I'm Melody," she told her group. She hoped that she said it clearly enough that the deaf girl could read her lips.

    Last edited by Melody Lovegood on Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Margot Balcourt-Pendleton
    Margot Balcourt-Pendleton
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyFri Oct 21, 2016 3:48 pm

    They had almost sorted her into the sidekick group, but she hadn't allowed it. No, never in a million years. Granted, being called a 'hero' was unsavory at best, but it was far better than being stuck with the good-for-nothing crowd. It wasn't difficult to get the school administration to change their mind, anyway. All they needed was a little convincing, et voila, Margot was marked as a hero.

    Documents about her superpowers often labelled it as "Illusion Magic". It was another contemptuous name for it, a reductive attempt at defining what Margot was capable of. Perhaps it would've been more prudent to deceive them into thinking her to be weak, but her pride could only take so much. They thought her powers were only useful for distracting the enemy as the hero did all the work. What they failed to realise was that everyone lived in a world of their own delusions, and the ability to mess with those delusions... well, it brought a catlike smile to Margot's seemingly serene and innocent face. And the superpower came with a handful of other benefits as well. 'Bad Hair Days' never happened to Margot, and it was much easier to gain power when she could make people fall head over heels for her.

    With a strut that did not quite match her demure expression, the tall girl entered the classroom and walked to the heroes section. There were quite a few people in the room already—no doubt they were a bunch of overeager naive wannabes who thought they could save the world and all that jazz. Bo-ring. Still, it wouldn't have done to miss the class and miss the opportunity to make some connections... even if some of the connections were far too classless for her liking. Flipping her hair, she regarded her group with a sweet smile. "Good morning," she greeted the group, her French accent seeping through the words.
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    Basti Velasquez
    Basti Velasquez
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptyFri Oct 21, 2016 4:59 pm

    'Here Comes The Sun' blared through his earphones as Basti walked towards the classroom. He thought it would be funny to listen to that song—after all, he was known amongst his basketball friends as 'Mr. Sunshine', without them realising that it was one of life's greatest ironies to call him that. Basti shook his head and chuckled at the thought. Class would be interesting, with everyone having the chance to introduce themselves using their powers. Just the thought of it excited him, and his pace began to quicken.

    The first person he recognised in the classroom made him regret walking a bit too fast. Dang, she was gorgeous as ever, and probably as bitchy too. Not that it ever bothered him—at least, it didn't, until the last few months of their relationship. He had met Margot Balcourt-Pendleton in one of those house parties, wherein she deemed him worthy of her attention for some reason. There were guys in the party who fit right in her social circle, guys from old rich families who had their own private jets and VIP cruise ship tickets. Fairly affluent as his family was, they were still technically nouveau riche, and she was therefore out of his league. But they had dated and he was so in love and—strangely enough, despite what happened, sometimes he thought he still was head over heels for her.

    Basti forced himself to look away, dragging himself to where the side-kick group was as he tried to shut down his memories. Why bother with one heartless ice queen when there were so many other beautiful ladies in the room? There was that blonde chick in the group. Perhaps she'd be impressed with his ability to suck out the light in the room and make it go dark. He was about to greet her with a charming 'hello' when he read her lips—'I'm Deaf,' she had mouthed. Well, shit. On second thought, maybe making everyone go blind with Mr. Sunshine-induced darkness wasn't so impressive. Basti slowly backed away, regretting how he had never bothered to learn ASL. He stood beside the short-haired chick instead, who had introduced herself as Melody. 'Basti,' he said, with a cocky grin and a nod at his group.
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    Tiberius Solanio
    Tiberius Solanio
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptySat Oct 22, 2016 4:08 am

    When his phone alarm rang, Tiberius had to hit snooze, slightly annoyed by the fact that he had to stop reading. The string theory was one of his favourite theoretical frameworks in Physics, and he was just getting to the good part of the Cambridge dissertation. Sighing, Tiberius got up and stretched, barely feeling the lack of sleep. He had gotten into the habit of staying up all night since he was twelve, and to go to class with barely thirty minutes of sleep (which made it more like a nap, really) was just another one of those typical Tiberius things.

    Today, however, would be his first day in Sky High.

    He had avoided training his powers for so long. It wasn't that he was scared of superpowers—on the contrary, he viewed them as a mere nuisance, a hurdle in his race towards scientific greatness. Superpowers, from his experience and observations, were anything but scientific. And though he would have loved to write a research paper on it himself, he wasn't very interested, mostly because it meant having to interview, survey and study superpowered people. They were such a pretentious bunch, the lot of them—they were either incredibly idealistic or stupidly power-hungry. To study in Sky High and have to talk to them was such a waste of time.

    It took his older brother getting into some trouble for him to consider accepting the superpowered life. With his brother now recovering in the hospital, Tiberius felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility, not helped by the fact that his parents were too busy making charities and other sorts of organizations instead of helping their own sons. With his hands in his pocket and an expression infinitely more genial than his thoughts, Tiberius entered the classroom and walked towards the sidekicks. Looking around, it seemed as if he had a couple of acquaintances who also seemed new to the school. Basti Velasquez, that dumb basketball player from his family's social circle, was there in the sidekick group. There was also Margot Balcourt-Pendleton, whose only claim to fame amongst the socialites were her good looks and trust fund. Tiberius fought back a sneer. A classroom setting would reveal just how incompetent they were. He probably wouldn't even need to induce chaos to set the events into motion.

    With a polite, social smile, he joined the sidekicks. 'I'm Tiberius,' he said and left it at that. There would be time to reveal his superpower later, once the lessons commenced.
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    Florentina Clarence
    Florentina Clarence
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptySat Oct 22, 2016 6:15 am

    Florrie had been classed a hero as soon as she had disclosed her power to her teachers. Mimicry. She of course had her limits, but that didn't seem to matter to her teachers. It was incredibly useful. She could possess any power as long as she was close enough to said person with power, and it was only one at a time.

    Honestly, she felt rather… Awkward about the whole thing. Mainly because her brother William had gotten the short end of the stick. Languages. Any language ever, but it didn't exactly help in combat. And while she knew that she couldn't make herself less 'powerful'- she felt almost guilty for it.

    Yet she still made her way to class, hands in her pockets, over to the heroes group for the lesson. There were already quite a few people there, so she figured that class would start shortly.
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    Serafina Richardson
    Serafina Richardson
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptySat Oct 22, 2016 6:39 am

    Serafina had not wanted to do this. But, Cordelai had made a very good point as to why she should be the one to go, and Serafina couldn't disagree. While the two may not have always gotten along, there was an understanding between them. It really was a case of having common motives, because it was clear that they would not have gotten along any way else. Or rather, they would have - it was, after all, only right for two influential families such as theirs to play nice - but it would have just been a meaningless dance.

    With a small smile on her face, Serafina made her way over to the field, not so much as glancing at the side-kicks. She was here with one purpose and one purpose only, and as she used her abilities to seek out what the others' around her had, she couldn't help but raise an internal eyebrow at one of the girls.

    Similar to hers, and yet entirely opposite. Now that was interesting. But that also meant that said girl could read her power, and at once Serafina was on guard. She'd have to keep a close eye on that one - and so, with a charming smile, she stepped up gracefully to the girl.

    "It's a beautiful morning, wouldn't you say?" she greeted, sticking out a hand. "I'm Serafina. It's wonderful to meet you."
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    Florentina Clarence
    Florentina Clarence
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptySat Oct 22, 2016 7:15 am

    "It's a beautiful morning, wouldn't you say?...I'm Serafina. It's wonderful to meet you."

    She was jolted out of her mini day-dream by a rather cheerful girl introducing herself. She responded with a smile herself, taking the outstretched hand and giving it a shake "It is rather lovely today," she replied "I'm Florrie, lovely to meet you as well," she replied. It wasn't every day that someone introduced themselves to her, so it was a good opportunity to make friends.

    "So, hero too?" she asked.
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    Daphne Plunkett
    Daphne Plunkett
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    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptySat Oct 22, 2016 8:49 am

    Daphne's parents had been against her studying in a school, especially one which took all sorts of people. She would be surrounded by the wrong company and then where would she be? It was 'Don't befriend these sorts', 'Don't wear those clothes,' but in all honesty, the more they tried to tell her what to do, the more she wanted to do exactly the opposite. So for her first day in Sky High, Daphne ignored the nice dress and jewellery her assistant had laid out for her. Instead, she slipped into ripped jeans and a distressed Bikini Kill shirt, cheekily throwing the new Louboutin heels in the trash can before she put on her favourite pair of Docs. Before her assistant could even chase her and make her change into 'proper clothes for a proper Plunkett lady', Daphne was already on her flying motorcycle.

    With Nirvana's 'Come As You Are' blaring on her iPhone, Daphne got off the motorcycle and shook her hair out of the helmet. So, this was where she would be forced to sit still for hours. It was no wonder her parents vetoed the idea—for all intents and purposes, Sky High looked like a normal American public school. She grinned at the image of her horrified parents discussing the tragedy over wine and cheese. Slinging her backpack over her shoulder, she walked to the classroom where the first lesson would be held. Her paper had marked her as a 'hero', which was a questionable term to apply to her, but she figured it was one of those school separation things that supposedly fostered a competitive spirit. Blah, blah, blah. She wasn't here for any of that bullshit—she was here to take photos of the possibly horrendous state of the bathrooms and send it to her parents. It would be even better if they were eating when they received it.

    There were already quite a few people in the classroom when she entered. She recognised some of the Society™ kids, children of those Very Important Pricks who her parents rubbed elbows with. Yuck. Daphne popped some mints in her mouth and did not bother to greet them. Sadly, the heroes seemed to be full of those kids anyway, although she spotted Tiberius Solanio in the sidekicks group. She had to hold back a smirk at that one—Tiberius was so full of himself, with his quantum physics and I'm-so-smaht smugness, that it seemed a small comeuppance to have him placed with the sidekicks. The sidekicks did seem like a nicer group, though, with people who probably had more interesting superpowers than the ever-so-unique super-strength, super-speed, super-broodiness and goodness knows what else. She was only glad her power was something more complicated, even if it did make it a bit more difficult to control.

    Ignoring the 'heroes' sign, Daphne approached the sidekicks. She could always move to the heroes' side when classes started, anyway. 'Gum, anyone?' she held out a pack of gum to the group. 'I'm Daphne,' she grinned.
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    Lesson 1- Combat Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptySat Oct 22, 2016 5:43 pm

    Kaleah knew she was running slightly behind time, but that didn't matter so long as she wasn't entirely late – besides, she'd been getting ready, and that was always important. The dress she'd chosen had been a simple one, in the end, but one of her favourites. Coupled with a pair of flats and a few pieces of jewellery here and there, Kaleah was ready to face the day.

    She took her time walking down to the fields, glad that the setting was outdoors. Sunshine and dirt and grime were always thing she enjoyed. Good morning, echoed in her mind and she smiled, turning towards the speck of a shadow in the sky, watching it as it grew bigger and took shape; the bird landed on her shoulder, and Kaleah rubbed its head gently. This was one she'd already met the previous day, when she'd gone around to make introductions and found a particularly nice tree to settle in for her studies or to do homework in. Another chirping 'hello' brought another bird, and she repeated her greeting. One bird on each shoulder, she arrived to the field and walked over to the sidekick group.

    Talking to animals, after all, wasn't deemed as anything overly grand. It was extremely 'Princess-y', and Kaleah couldn't be happier with what it was - except for one thing. All the Princess movies she had ever seen (or most of, anyway) had the female relying on the male to be saved. One way or another, the Princess always needed someone to save the day - a Prince Charming - and she resented that. Kaleah knew she needed no Prince in her life. Her mother had raised her alone, and while she sometimes wondered what it would've been like to have a father, it wasn't something she pondered on much. After all, her mother taught her all she needed to know, from sewing and cooking to martial arts and fixing cars. Kaleah could do almost anything - except, perhaps, walk in heels. But still, having the ability to communicate with animals made her feel rather like a Princess - a self sufficient, independent, individualistic Princess.

    "Hello!" she thrilled, smiling at the people around her, voice taking on an almost sing-song tone. "Say hi," she murmured, and the two birds on her shoulder echoed her greetings, two loud chirps. She rewarded them with an absentminded pat on their heads.
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    Daphne Plunkett
    Daphne Plunkett
    Aurors In-Training
    Aurors In-Training

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    Lesson 1- Combat Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptySun Oct 23, 2016 6:56 am

    Daphne raised an eyebrow at the newcomer. Her chiffon mini-dress, though out of place in a combat class, brightened the field as she and the two birds perched on her shoulder greeted the group. It didn't take Stephen Hawking's IQ to guess what her superpower must be, since not even Daphne's animal-loving brother could convince birds to perch on his finger whenever there were other humans around. Animal Communication was definitely more interesting than the usual crap she had seen from Sky High's yearbooks—and perhaps, her soon-to-be classmates—but it did leave one wondering how useful it could be when there were no zoos nearby. Better to keep a pet with her all the time. A vicious dog, perhaps, or maybe even something cooler like a couple of crows who would be willing to peck the eyes out of her enemies. Daphne's lips curled into a smile at the thought.

    "Well, hello, Huginn and Muninn." She nodded at the two birds. To the girl, she asked, "How's it going?" Despite Miss Disney Princess's ridiculous girlishness, Daphne found it difficult to dislike her. Her greeting was genuinely full of cheer, something she normally wouldn't expect from her fellow high school students. And she wasn't anything like those spoiled brats she had to deal with in those dinner parties, which already made her a lot more tolerable no matter what. Even tarantulas and crocodiles would probably adore her, or at least keep a respectful distance away from her. Daphne could only wonder how it was like to make such friends even if they came in the form of creatures no one else can understand.

    At the very least, Daphne had her superpower to help her when her parents were too unbearable and the Society kids too snobby to associate with girls in combat boots. It was how she gathered a bunch of admirers to do her bidding, though some of them did get overly attached even after she told them off. Her friend Tybalt Wunsch had once theorised that it was at its strongest if it touched upon people's secret desires. It was, to his credit, quite a sound theory. She still had much to learn about her power, and it actually surprised her to be grouped with the heroes. Persuasiveness was not exactly the most offensive skill, but done right, she supposed it had the potential to destroy people.

    Perhaps she and Miss Disney Princess weren't so dissimilar after all. MDP charmed animals, she charmed men who only sought clandestine moments with her—was there really a difference? Daphne wondered what the girl's secret desires were. She had heard that Tybalt might start studying in Sky High as well. If that were true, she couldn't wait to ask Tybs what Blonde Snow White and all her other classmates secretly longed for.
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    Tybalt Wunsch
    Tybalt Wunsch
    Potioneers In-Training
    Potioneers In-Training

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    Lesson 1- Combat Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Lesson 1- Combat   Lesson 1- Combat EmptySun Oct 23, 2016 9:41 am

    Tybalt had been certain that he and Daphne Plunkett would be 'heroes' together. After all, he had paid the school a sizeable sum to ensure that Daphne would be considered a hero despite her seemingly passive superpower. And yet there she was, talking to a girl in the sidekick group as if she belonged there. Had the school made a mistake? Or had they duped him and thought they could get away with it? His hands were already on his pocket, reaching for his phone when he caught Daphne's eye. Relax, Tybs, she thought, already aware that he was reading her mind. Thought I'd hang out here for a moment, the heroes group looks boring. Sighing, he walked to where she was, pointedly ignoring Margot Balcourt-Pendleton's raised eyebrow. Of course Daphne would find the sidekicks a nicer crowd. Any crowd without the high society people would always be a nicer crowd in her eyes.

    They had been friends for as long as they could remember—not quite best friends, with Daphne detesting 'such pointless systems of ranking,' but she was his best friend no matter what she thought. Most of the time, he didn't even need to use telepathy to know what she was thinking. It shouldn't have surprised him, then, to see Daphne possibly breaking a rule on her first day of school. And now he was a reluctant rule-breaker himself, forever playing the role of Daphne's lenient nursemaid. He was better than her useless assistant anyway, if he could say so himself. 'Daph,' he greeted her with a nod, moving to her side as he studied the girl she was talking to. With her pretty face, a flimsy summer dress and two birds perched on her shoulders, Daphne was indeed right to think of her as Miss Disney Princess. Tybalt held back a laugh. Still, he couldn't stop the glimmer of amusement in his eyes. 'Hello,' he smiled at the girl. 'I'm Tybalt Wunsch. And you are?' Internally, he held his shield up, not wanting to accidentally read this stranger's thoughts. It had happened in the past quite a bunch of times, and it wasn't something he enjoyed. Not all thoughts about him were flattering, after all.
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