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~Lor, Mads, Lyd, and Mel~
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to inactivity, Merlin's Academy is no longer a Harry Potter RP site. It is being used for CASUAL, CLEAN RP of ANY TOPIC among friends. If you wish to join, however, please feel free; we would love to make new friends. Thanks to everyone who made MAE what it was before, and we wish you all lots of love and a great life up ahead. <3

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     Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)

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    Codey Ellingston
    Codey Ellingston

    Posts : 208

    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyMon Dec 01, 2014 7:04 pm

    If there was one thing Codey prided himself in - among many other things, that is, - it was his dedication to never break a promise. Indeed, the words, 'I promise' were not often heard from the man, unless he was absolutely sure that he could keep whatever he had said, and then, when they were, a person could be certain that he would do exactly as he said.

    So, a few days after the last dragon - a Peruvian Vipertooth that came in a cage that was magically locked so that only Codey himself could open it - had arrived, and the others had all settled in, he sat down at his desk and took out a piece of paper. Selecting his best quill, he dipped it in the pot of black ink and set down to write a short letter.

    Miss Tess,

    I apologize for this being later than I expected. I had to get permission from the Ministry and speak to a few of my associates to get them to volunteer their time. As such, magical enchantments had to be made at the dragon stables, to accommodate not only the different dragons, but their respective keeper.

    However, I am glad to say that, as of today, all the dragons - and the dragon trainers - have settled down nicely, and it is now that I am writing to you to remind you of my offer. I hope you have not thought that I have, to put blatantly, done a runner, because that is not the case.

    If you still wish to see a dragon - or, in this case, numerous dragons, - meet me down at the entrance of the dragon stables tomorrow at 10am. I do believe you have no classes then, but if I have made a mistake (I am certain I have not, but one can never take into consideration all the other factors, such as extra lessons or tutoring) come see me tomorrow at my office, and we will rearrange.

    I will wait for half an hour after the agreed time, and if you still have not shown, I will assume that you are not interested. Do not bother trying to reply via owl, because my owl is trained not to accept anything unless I say so, and my place has been charmed so as to not allow any creatures except those I approve to enter. I have had too many women try and send me letters or pictures of indecent nature, and this is the only solution I could think of.

    I hope to see you tomorrow,
    Codey Neal.

    Slipping it into an envelope and sealing it, he wrote the witch's name on the front and tied it neatly to the leg of his owl. A half hour later, Opaleye returned, letter gone, and Codey smiled to himself, rewarding his pet with a dead mouse.

    The next morning, a few minutes to 10, Codey stood, this time dressed in his usual attire - a suit and tie - waiting for the witch to arrive, and hoping that he didn't have to waste a half hour of his day.
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    Tess Holmes
    Tess Holmes
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    Healer In-Training

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    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyMon Dec 01, 2014 8:08 pm

    Tess' morning had started off innocently enough. A shower, a change of clothing, and at the end of classes, curling under her blankets for a wonderful day in. She was in the midst of reading an assigned piece of work when she got interrupted by a soft clicking and at her window. Removing her glasses, she got up and walked towards the window looking at the owl with curiosity. Definitely didn't belong to anyone she knew. But curiosity got the best of her. Pulling the latch she opened her window and allowed the owl to enter. Her brown eyes looked at it curiously as it dropped the letter, almost human-like on her desk.

    Walking over, she noticed the seal. Purebloods all had their unique seals, but this one didn't. Humming softly, she threw herself on the couch, as gracefully as she possibly could (not that well) and wiggled into the original position, then she began to read the letter. Her eyes ran through each word, and looked genuinely surprised. Once her studies had started she'd completely forgotten about Codey, even more his promise of letting her see dragons.

    Do not bother trying to reply via owl, because my owl is trained not to accept anything unless I say so, and my place has been charmed so as to not allow any creatures except those I approve to enter. I have had too many women try and send me letters or pictures of indecent nature, and this is the only solution I could think of.

    Raising her brow at that part of the letter she looked at the owl in surprise. As if he could understand. Laughing softly, she shook her head, Codey was definitely an interesting person.

    "You can leave, I am not those kinds of ladies anyways" she replied amused. "but-" she got up from the couch and poured some owl pellets to a small bowl before placing it before the bird, "you can help yourself before you leave. Can't have him thinking you were mistreated now can we?"

    Looking back at the letter she reminded herself that she definitely needed to meet with him. When would she have another opportunity. Smiling brightly to herself she found herself thinking about the possibilities of what she would see.

    The next morning was one that was met with a whine. Tess hasn't been able to sleep; in the excitement of thinking about the opportunity. Now she regretted it. Slapping her hand over her alarm, she got up and rolled out of bed getting ready. A warm shower woke her up. With a pair of leggings and a long-sleeved dress, she was ready for the day, her boots polished and clean.

    It was almost ten when she aparated, forcing herself to get used to it. She walked quickly to the agreed spot, quick enough to seem enthusiastic, but not too quick to seem desperate. She couldn't help but smile as she saw the professor in his official attire. This was definitely a change, for many reasons. For one thing they weren't covered in beach sand, and the second was that she'd chopping off her hair since then. Smiling shyer than before, she was unsure if he would judger her too.

    "Morning professor"
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    Codey Ellingston
    Codey Ellingston

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    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyMon Dec 01, 2014 9:09 pm

    Seeing a figure appear in the distance, he at once guessed that it was Tess. Leaning against the door, relaxed and calm, he waited till she neared, raising an eyebrow at her very obvious change of hair style. It didn't really bother him, but it was interesting nevertheless, because he knew that drastic changes were usually a result of drastic occurrences. Nodding at her greeting, he replied, "Good morning, Miss Tess. I am pleased that you have decided to come."

    "Does short hair make for a better trainee of your subject choice?" he asked in a soft tone, straightening up with a smirk, obviously teasing the young witch. "It's an interesting change," he added a moment later, turning to open the stable door. "Were you pleased with the results? Or did the place you go to do that annoying thing where one inch turns into three. Or, in your case, about eight."

    Holding open the door for her, he motioned for her to enter first, following behind and making sure to shut it properly. The place had been enchanted by the best of the best - at Codey's instructions - and the inside looked smaller than it was on the outside, although this, too, was a front. Numerous doors faced them, in an arena type enclosure, each having a simple name card on the front, stating the names of the dragons.

    From left to right were, in order, Antipodean Opaleye, Catalonian Fireball, Chinese Fireball, Common Welsh Green, and Romanian Longhorn. On the far right, the last door held large warning sings, and 'Vipertooth' was simply placed in the middle. Gesturing around, Codey's eyes gleamed with excitement as he asked, "Which would you like to see first? And don't you say the Opaleye - I'm saving that for last."
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    Tess Holmes
    Tess Holmes
    Healer In-Training
    Healer In-Training

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    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyTue Dec 02, 2014 12:14 am

    At his greeting, Tess was relieved to see that he was the same as ever. It was almost sickening, she would later look back and see, how much she cared about others said about her. Image meant everything in her family, in her pureblood culture, no one would outwardly say anything cruel, at least not to someone unrelated and in public. But she knew nothing more than this. So she tugged the longer sleeves of her dress in nervousness in the realization she was about to really get what she had been promised.

    But her bright mood slowly dampened. From one comment about her change, made her shrink a little bit. Was he being snide? The smile was still on his face, almost as if it was the only expression he could do. But the way he continued made her realize that there was no such thing as a perfect image behind a smile. Even as perfect as Codey's, her smile slowly dimmed and her eyes lost their glimmer, like acceptance that this was just something in passing.

    "Were you pleased with the results? Or did the place you go to do that annoying thing where one inch turns into three. Or, in your case, about eight."

    His last comment made her almost want to leave at that very moment. Dragons be damned. His first comment seemed normal enough, but soon as he began to call it a mistake, something in her shifted. She looked up at the taller man and truly looked at him. Pureblood obviously, a man who had an idea of what a woman signified, and either didn't realize it, but insinuated that her haircut was a mistake. Maybe it was, but she'd pushed through and she would own it.

    "Very pleased" she said smoothly, the shyness gone, instead disappointment was shown.

    As he opened the door, she somehow managed to give herself grace like a proper lady should and walked through. Doing it for the dragons she reminded herself. And despite the sense of humiliation at his comment, despite everything she had finally gotten to see them. For one thing they were huge, and in her whole life, she had never felt so weak. No person had managed to make her feel like she was this small, the way dragon's disposition naturally did. Her eyes trailed from left to right, trying to take everything in.

    "Oh" was all she could breathe out, shock just running through her. Despite she saw the some of Codey's imperfections under one simple comment, for one thing a sharp tongue, she walked forward slowly as her eyes landed on the Catalonian fireball. "Can I?" she asked pointing at the beautiful dragon.
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    Codey Ellingston
    Codey Ellingston

    Posts : 208

    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyTue Dec 02, 2014 12:35 am

    The moment he saw her demeanour change, he had his answer, and despite her words about being pleased, he knew the truth. Codey had, of course, knew his comment would be taken at one of two extremes - if the witch had indeed liked her cut, then she would have thought it was a joke. However, if she had not liked it, she would see it as an insult. He was good at things like that - manipulating words to manipulate responses - and often said things he didn't mean.

    Backtracking, he pretended to nod at her words. "I see I have offended you with my words, I do apologize, Miss Tess. I have a habit of speaking before I think," he said, lying smoothly with that last sentence; all he said was carefully planned, so that not one word he said had not been processed. "I personally think it suits you. But, of course, what I say doesn't matter. It is, after all, your life, not mine." This part, at least, was true - he did think the hair was more of the witch's true self than when she had it long. But, Codey often analysed things where others saw nothing, so he was quite certain that others may not have approved.

    Standing to the side, he grinned as he saw her eyes take in the names on the door. Obviously she knew dragons - it was a shame she wasn't one of his students - and waited till she had picked out the Catalonian Fireball. Nodding, he approached the door and opened it.

    Magic was a beautiful thing, and Codey appreciated it most when it came to things like this. The undetectable extension charm did wonders on small places, such as the stable, for, when he opened the door to this dragon, it led to a large room, snow covering the entire floor. Grabbing a jacket that hung on a coat rack just by the entrance, he passed it to the girl; he himself did not need one. Leading her inside, he closed the door behind him and nodded at the other man inside.

    "Justin," he greeted, "Where has our darling gone to this time?"

    "Ah, Codey, just in time. She's over there, behind the largest pile. I gathered the eg-" the other man started, stopping short when he saw Tess. Lowering his head, he mumbled, "Didn't know you were bringing students. I'll leave you be."

    With a soft chuckle, Codey removed his wand and approached the left side of the room, motioning for Tess to follow. "There is an invisible barrier here, so be careful to step directly behind me - the footsteps in the snow should be easy to spot."

    Leading her inside, he then directed her to stay where she was before approaching a large pile of show. With one flick of his wand, he blasted the snow aside, and the dragon behind it rose it its feet, wings spread out.

    "The Catalonian Fireball," he said quietly. "Not too much a danger to humans, deadly to birds, which is their favourite prey. Beautiful, aren't they?"
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    Tess Holmes
    Tess Holmes
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    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyTue Dec 02, 2014 11:05 pm

    At his apology, Tess wondered briefly if it was genuine. She briefly remembered what her brother told her: 'The smoother the apology the more disingenuous it can be'. But it wasn't the moment to hold grudges, she didn't need to resent him when she was being shown dragons. So she forced her sharp tongue to lesson and instead nod briefly not wanting to dwell on how his comment hurt her. His second part of his half-apology made her nod, it was true, it wasn't his business what he thought of her, all that mattered was the sooner she got used to it, the sooner she could be back to her cranky self.

    But all those thoughts, the walls building up from his words, were put on hold as she took in the Catalonian Fireball. As she followed behind Codey, she was glad she had the outfit she did as her boots went into the snowy environment. Being given the coat, she put it over herself as directed, it was heavier than she expected and far too big for her, but she pulled it closer. Walking in, she noticed there was a man already making conversations with Codey. When he noticed her, she smiled awkwardly, not quite sure what to do, since it was obvious he didn't want to talk while she was there.

    "There is an invisible barrier here, so be careful to step directly behind me - the footsteps in the snow should be easy to spot."

    Nodding at his directions, she slowly moved through. It was easy to see why the dragon could blend so easily in Catalonian mountains. As he threw the spell towards the large pile of close, she closed her eyes as the snow began to blow everywhere. Blinking some snowflakes from her lashes she took in the dragon in all it's beauty and gasped softly.

    "The Catalonian Fireball," he said quietly. "Not too much a danger to humans, deadly to birds, which is their favourite prey. Beautiful, aren't they?"

    She had barely heard him, instead she took the dragon in. It was a gorgeous white color, the scales glittering beautifully, yet blending in to perfectly with the white snow. The silver spines were the only difference in color. Her eyes trailed from it's beautiful skin, to it's claws, large, and curled inwardly. Overall the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She almost moved forward, as if in a trance, but forced herself to remain where she was as she took the beautiful creature in.

    "Gorgeous" she breathed out.
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    Codey Ellingston
    Codey Ellingston

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    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyWed Dec 03, 2014 6:52 pm

    Keeping in step with the dragon as it either turned left or right, he was relaxed, this being a relatively easy to control species. That did not mean he slacked, however, and he kept his attention on the beast, not turning around to see the witch's reaction. "You must come back one day at feeding time. The way she hunts birds is fascinating, to say the least," he called out, smirking as the dragon began to settle herself back down, curling her wings over her body so that the spines were hidden. Distracted, he muttered, "Good girl, don't cause me any problems now. You've been behaving for Justin, I've heard. Good for you, my darling."

    Motioning behind him for Tess to leave, he followed her out, walking backwards, wand trained on the barely visible dragon. Once back outside the barrier, he nodded at Justin and opened the door, waiting for her to go back out.

    "Sorry I had to cut that meet short," he said as they walked. "She recently became a mother, and is in a more grumpy state than normal; she needs her rest."

    Stopping and motioning to the other doors, he smirked. "But yes, she is gorgeous, as are the others. Which would you like to visit next?"
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    Tess Holmes
    Tess Holmes
    Healer In-Training
    Healer In-Training

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    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyWed Dec 03, 2014 9:01 pm

    The way she heard Codey speak to the dragon made her smile softly. It was a nurturing tone, sweet, calm, like he had a personal connection with it. Her eyes trailed from the man, slowly to the dragon once more and took her in. It was a her based on her size, and took a deep breath trying to get the feel of the environment and take everything she could for her memory. She took in the fresh scent of snow, and yet the burning smell from the dragon. It was all she could take in.

    "Sorry I had to cut that meet short," he said as they walked. "She recently became a mother, and is in a more grumpy state than normal; she needs her rest."

    At the mention of the dragon being a mother, her lips parted and she turned to take new appreciation for the creature. She was a mother, she briefly wondered why her egg wasn't near her, but she said nothing, not bothering to try and figure it out. Codey knew what was best and who was she to question it. When he asked which one she would ask next, her eyes brightened and looked at the other cages. Her eyes glittered when she saw Vipertooth and turned to look at him.

    "Too dangerous?" she asked
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    Codey Ellingston
    Codey Ellingston

    Posts : 208

    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyWed Dec 03, 2014 11:03 pm

    Watching her look around at the different names on the doors, he waited, a slight smirk appearing as her eyes landed on the most dangerous dragon he had obtained, and also the smallest. As she turned to him, he simply kept quiet, letting a few moments pass after she asked the question. If she had wanted to see that first, he wouldn't have said yes, but now that he knew she could obey instructions, he saw no problem. "Not with me," he replied, turning and moving towards the wooden door.

    Opening it, he entered first, needing to be in complete control the entire time. "Henry," he greeted the man inside, who hastily put down a newspaper. "Is it feeding time yet?"

    Unlike the previous room, this one had an obvious shield - see through, but shimmering slightly. In the corner was a chair, where Henry sat. Beyond the shield were large mountains, about two stories in height, with clouds floating around and a misty chill in the air.

    Eyes moving to Tess, the other man nodded, hesitating before Codey added a, "How is the pregnancy going?"

    Focusing back on Codey, Henry motioned behind him. "Goat's just arrived. Was gonna do it right now, but you go ahead. She's in a right mood today. I estimate a day more."

    The brief report was exactly what the man expected, and with a curt nod, disappeared for a quick moment behind what was apparently an invisible door before emerging with a live goat, leading it by a string. "You're lucky, Miss Tess. Today, you get to see the Vipertooth feed. I hope you are not squeamish?"

    Walking to the end, he motioned for Tess to stay where she was. "Too unpredictable, hence the extra security - the one way mirror of sorts," he explained, opening an almost unseen door and entering the enclosure, closing it behind him. Pushing the goat in front of him, he removed his wand, leaning against the wall, and let out a sharp whistle.
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    Tess Holmes
    Tess Holmes
    Healer In-Training
    Healer In-Training

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    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyWed Dec 03, 2014 11:45 pm

    Tess had been surprised in the way that he didn't immediately deny her request. In fact, she was excited at the prospect of danger coming her way. Walking behind him, she popped her head in as he began to talk to the man named Henry. Her ears perked up as she heard 'pregnancy'. She highly doubted it was a coincidence that two dragons were already bred. Usually they were similar to other creatures and mate during Spring, but summer had just passed and in the cold coming fall, it was a rare thing to think about. She didn't say anything aloud, instead took in the idea that she was going to see a feeding.

    "You're lucky, Miss Tess. Today, you get to see the Vipertooth feed. I hope you are not squeamish?"

    At the mention of a feeding, her eyes went from the dragon habitat to Codey in surprise. A goat? Squeamish? She wasn't a squeamish person by nature, and the thought of blood did not phase her one bit. Yet the idea was morbid of seeing something get eaten. But wasn't that nature in general. Shaking her head at his question, she saw the signal being given for the goat to be lowered. She gulped softly, gripping the coat tighter as she realized exactly what was happening. The poor thing looked around side to side, the noise of distress coming from it. She almost closed her eyes, had it not been for that fact that the sneaky dragon popped out of nowhere. The smooth copper color, was highlighted all the more by the small horns that adorned it. She'd read about how quick they were, and read about how dragons in general fed. But nothing would ever twist her stomach, like it did the moment she saw the poor goat. One cry and the venom was injected into the creature.

    Her eyes widened seeing the dragon just rip it to shreds. She closed her eyes hearing the first crunch, then opened them again to see her just look at them, yet she knew she possibly couldn't being a one way mirror. Ignoring the shiver that ran down her spine she looked up at the man.

    "They're all different aggression levels aren't they?" she asked softly, "do they ever learn to trust?"
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    Codey Ellingston
    Codey Ellingston

    Posts : 208

    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyFri Dec 12, 2014 1:41 am

    He waited patiently, hand keeping firm grip on his wand. At the first sign of movement, he raised it, a spell on the tip of his tongue, in case the dragon tried anything funny - it had before, although most of the time it was focused on the food. True enough, all the Vipertooth cared about was the goat, and Codey smiled to himself as he watched it feed, the sight not one to phase him in the least. When the spectacle was over, he was about to speak, to give some facts about the dragon when he heard Tess speak.

    Without turning around, he spoke quietly, but audibly. "That they are, especially when they are hungry, even more so when pregnant. If she had not been pregnant, you would be with me in the enclosure, and all the extra security would not be needed."

    At her second question, he chuckle, a small smirk forming. "Are you quite sure you don't want to be a dragon trainer, Miss Tess?" Pausing, he motioned to the dragon. "The Vipertooth," he continued, not bothering to give an answer just yet, "Is small, but has the most human killings to its name. Unlike some of the bigger species, it doesn't make a habit of hiding from people, but rather chasing after them with a passion for the taste of their meat. A perfect example that size does not matter, because this is the smallest species of dragons in recorded existence, and yet, is the one that has caused the most trouble."

    Stepping back out of the enclosure, he shut the nearly-impossible-to-see door and turned to face Tess on the other side of the one way mirror. "Trust is not a word that should be in the vocabulary of a dragon trainer, according to most of my critics. It is said by some that it's impossible, that it is not in the nature of a dragon to trust. They do, after all, have the classification of a beast." Stopping here to take a breath, he sent her a wink. "But heed not their foolish statements, and take it from someone who has been there and done that - it is hard, almost to the point of not being possible, but it can be done. And you, Miss Tess, have more logic than some of the best dragon trainers as proclaimed by the Ministry put together."

    "Keep me informed, Henry, I want to collect them myself," he added to the man before motioning for Tess to leave. Back outside, he pointed to the remaining names on doors. "Which would you like to visit next?" he asked, a glint in his eyes. Tess was proving to be someone worth talking to, in the aspect of dragons and training them, and it was quite a pity that she was not to be in his classes.
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    Tess Holmes
    Tess Holmes
    Healer In-Training
    Healer In-Training

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    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptySun Dec 14, 2014 12:53 am

    "That they are, especially when they are hungry, even more so when pregnant. If she had not been pregnant, you would be with me in the enclosure, and all the extra security would not be needed."

    If any member of her family found out she was standing behind a man in front of a dragon, a pregnant dragon at that, during feeding. Beasts, she was told, were beneath her. Were wild and dangerous and not something an heir like her should be around. So perhaps that's what intrigued her, the idea of adventure. And as the dragon fed, she couldn't help but look up at Codey as he began to talk about the idea of aggression and how it was simply heightened during her pregnancy.

    At the mention of him asking why she didn't want to be a dragon trainer made her laugh softly. She wasn't good enough, not strong enough, couldn't even get a cat to listen to her, or a human, how could she get a large dragon to listen to her. "I'm not strong like some of your students" she murmured. Rhian could do this, she could be outgoing and just go gung-ho about all of it. But Tess would over think it. Go in circles before actually taking actions and that was downfall.

    ""The Vipertooth, is small, but has the most human killings to its name. Unlike some of the bigger species, it doesn't make a habit of hiding from people, but rather chasing after them with a passion for the taste of their meat. A perfect example that size does not matter, because this is the smallest species of dragons in recorded existence, and yet, is the one that has caused the most trouble."

    Looking towards him, she was taken aback from his analogy. Did he mean that she could be like a Vipertooth? Be as brave and daring as the dragon being fed? She felt a bit ashamed at saying it out loud, that she wasn't strong like the others. But...taking a deep breath she felt herself say something that might have been entirely too stupid.

    "Can I attend one of your classes then? Inviting me to go?" she teased softly.

    After all, slowly with each pen she found herself wishing to touch a dragon, just be around it and feel that power vibrating from the beasts. All the more as he spoke about trust, the more she wanted to see it for herself. The fact that a man like him believed that there was such a thing made her wonder the same thing.

    And you, Miss Tess, have more logic than some of the best dragon trainers as proclaimed by the Ministry put together."

    Tess laughed softly shaking her head at his statement. He was a charmer, yet his flirtatious attitude she realized was just who he was. This was his element and she, was welcomed for just a moment to realize just how wonderful it could be.

    "I could get used to this you know?" she said aloud as they moved from the pen, "The dragons, the adrenaline, the...rush of seeing them for who they are. And the dragon eggs! Oh will you be taking care of them yourself? If it's not too much of a hassle, could I possibly...see them hatch?"

    Her eyes brightened at the thought. Seeing the birth of something intrigued her more than anything. From a child, to a litter of kittens to a large dragon it made her want to learn more about life. On her own.

    "Which would you like to visit next?"

    "I'd love to see the Opaleye" she breathed out, disbelief that she had the opportunity. "Will she be pregnant too? Like the ones before? Because I doubt that's all a coincidence."
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    Codey Ellingston
    Codey Ellingston

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    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptySun Dec 14, 2014 9:27 pm

    "I'm not strong like some of your students"

    For a moment, Codey hesitated; the witch had sounded as though she was talking to herself, and he didn't want to intrude on her own private thoughts. And yet, there was just something about what she had said that struck a nerve in him, and he couldn't help it. "You misunderstand the essence of being a dragon trainer," he said firmly, but quietly. "The strength required is of your mind, of your personality. Strength not of the physical sense, but the kind of strength that is tenderness, and openness to new scenarios, and a heart for the dragons." He left it at that, deciding at the last second to not comment that, in his eyes, Tess had the exact requirements for it.

    At her comment about joining a class, his eyes lit up momentarily. "I don't see why not, Miss Tess. You are more than welcome to sit in my lessons, but just because it isn't your major doesn't mean I don't expect you to do any and all homework assigned," he said, winking to show that he was half-teasing.

    "I could get used to this you know?"

    Tess didn't stop there, and he hid a smirk; when he first met her, she barely said a sentence to him and she had been closed and reserved. Dragons, it seemed, got her to lower her guard, and he wasn't about to stop it. Listening to her speak, he smiled at her. "No, I will not be taking the eggs for myself. I have.. people who require them. But maybe.." he paused, playing out the idea in his mind. No, not yet, his subconscious told him, and he listened, instead saying, "Maybe the next time. Rest assured, Miss Tess, I cannot turn down someone so intrigued by the idea of dragons."

    Her answer had not come as too much of a surprise; the Opaleye was, after all, one of the most beautiful dragons - the most, in his mind - and Tess was a witch with good taste. "Yes, she is," he replied simply, stopping a smirk. She was sharp, this one, and if he wasn't careful she might spread the news. He made a mental note to tackle that later, but for now, the dragon awaited.

    Opening the door, he led Tess inside; inside lay a replica of a valley, with steep rocky edges and tumbling green land, a river and a few smaller streams flowing freely. Nodding to the man in the corner, Codey didn't say anything, instead motioning Tess to follow him. "She's not as fierce," he said, starting down a slope. "Can you manage? Anyway, like I was saying, I raised her, so she won't be aggressive."

    Holding out a hand, he offered help crossing a wide stream, before motioning to the dragon in the middle of a flat area, head raised and staring at them, but unmoving otherwise.
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    Tess Holmes
    Tess Holmes
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    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptySun Dec 14, 2014 11:34 pm

    "You misunderstand the essence of being a dragon trainer," he said firmly, but quietly. "The strength required is of your mind, of your personality. Strength not of the physical sense, but the kind of strength that is tenderness, and openness to new scenarios, and a heart for the dragons."

    Tess lowered her gaze as he began to speak more about it. Maybe she was wrong, well based on his tone she knew she was wrong in his eyes at the perspective of a dragon trainer. If she was honest with herself there was one thing that she knew she had: intelligence. No matter how often she was told how pretty she was, or how lovely she'd grown, no compliment was more accepted than being told she was smart. She knew she was, but being told was more reassuring. She had that, she knew that was her foot in the door. Her personality on the other hand? Well that needed some work she supposed. She smiled softly at his description. She slowly was beginning to see that there was more than just brute strength when it came towards the career.

    Especially as she was allowed to visit the class. She clapped her hands and grinned brightly. Brighter than it had been for a long time. Slowly everything was coming together, especially if she was doing what she wanted. The mention of homework made her smirk.

    "Well I figure I can keep up with your students no problem." she teased. "Shame I can't see these eggs hatch. I do hope that whoever does get them appreciates it."

    Birth was nothing something she'd seen before. Books described it so analytical, and she went along with it, but she knew that it would differ to actually see it. Shame really, but she would see something starting their lives, if not creatures, then it would be through her healing and babies. Still she took on the excitement at the fact that the Opaleye would be not only introduced to her, but it would be pregnant. It made her nervous, the way he told her they could enter into the actual pen. She hesitated for a second, instead taking in the environment around them. So lovely, so much put into a pen astounded her.

    "She's not as fierce," he said, starting down a slope. "Can you manage? Anyway, like I was saying, I raised her, so she won't be aggressive."

    Slowly she followed, her eyes trying to absorb everything, but as he reached out his hand, she immediately took it and tentatively crossed the stream as gracefully as she could. Her graceful nature disappeared as soon as she took in the dragon before her. Oh, oh Merlin. Placing a hand on her chest, she took in the beauty.

    "Oh" she breathed in surprise.
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    Codey Ellingston
    Codey Ellingston

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    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 12:10 am

    "Well I figure I can keep up with your students no problem." she teased. "Shame I can't see these eggs hatch. I do hope that whoever does get them appreciates it."

    A tiny smirk made its way to his lips, but not at her first statement. "I'm sure they will," he commented lightly, suppressing a chuckle at her words. One thing was sure: the witch was very bright and would no doubt make the connection sooner or later, and Codey needed to make sure she didn't do it in front of anyone but him. The last thing he needed was his lesson plans being announced for all to hear; surprise was key, because observing their reactions when he broke the news and gave instructions was something he intended on doing.

    Tilting his head slightly, he wondered how long it would take for the light bulb to go off in Tess head. After all, what fun was there in simply telling someone his plans? No, he wanted her to guess, to realize it for herself and ask. So, choosing his words with care, he added, "At least, I certainly hope they do, as well, or I will have a serious problem on my hands."

    Helping her cross the water, he didn't feel a need to keep an eye on the dragon, instead watching the witch beside him with amusement. "Beautiful, isn't she? I found the egg abandoned when I was trekking in Australia. I kept watch for a few days in case the mother returned, but she never did, and so I took the egg and hatched it myself. I raised her, and earned her trust - although most dragon trainers laugh at this idea, they cannot prove otherwise - and now she is like my giant pet. Of course, it helps that the Opaleye is the least aggressive dragon species to begin with."

    He paused, and grinned at Tess. "I wouldn't advice touching her, however. She gets grumpy easily, especially during this time; she's due within the new couple of days. We can stay for a bit longer, if you wish to see her fly. It may not be for a few more minutes but she does need her exercise."
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    Tess Holmes
    Tess Holmes
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    Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) Empty
    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 12:34 am

    "At least, I certainly hope they do, as well, or I will have a serious problem on my hands."

    Tess looked at the man curiously and smirked softly realizing that he said they. So they would be disbursed around, but enough that he had to care about it? Interesting. Nodding her head instead she walked deeper into the enclosure taking the dragon in. Her breathe hitched as the colors glittered so beautifully from the scales. Like a rainbow, and she couldn't believe how surreal it was to stand before it. Far away she could hear him telling her more about the dragon.

    "Beautiful, isn't she? I found the egg abandoned when I was trekking in Australia. I kept watch for a few days in case the mother returned, but she never did, and so I took the egg and hatched it myself. I raised her, and earned her trust - although most dragon trainers laugh at this idea, they cannot prove otherwise - and now she is like my giant pet. Of course, it helps that the Opaleye is the least aggressive dragon species to begin with.

    "She is" she breathed out, "Does she have a name? She seems like a Skittles"

    And she did, the way she looked so special and was. Simply because she was raised by humans and that was definitely something unheard of. Seems that Codey was proud of his baby, and she saw pride in his description of her.
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    Codey Ellingston
    Codey Ellingston

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    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 1:13 am

    "Does she have a name? She seems like a Skittles."

    Pausing in his movements and thoughts, Codey quite literally froze for a moment. Did he really just hear that, or was he just imagining it? He hope it wasn't the latter; losing his mind at this age was not something good, and hearing voices was even worse. But, on the other hand, the other option was that someone was attempting to name his Opaleye. "No, she doesn't have a name," he started slowly, corners of his lips twitching in amusement. "But if you wish, I suppose .. Skittles is an intriguing name. Care to explain your reasoning?"

    A few seconds later, he let out a chuckle, unable to hold it in. "Of course, if you name one, you have to name the others - that is part of the reason I don't give names. It is just too tedious to name all the dragons I come across. But if you wish, you could help christen the rest, and I will ensure a plague is made for each dragon to be placed below that of the species."

    Switching his gaze to the dragon, a smile broke his features. "Watch, I believe she's going to lift off soon," he said suddenly, and a few seconds later, was proved right as the Opaleye stretched its wings and gave them a flap; a gush of wind was sent towards them as it took flight.
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    Tess Holmes
    Tess Holmes
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    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 1:32 am

    Tess hadn't even realized she had let her thoughts come out. She had stopped doing that as an early child because it caused others to cry or even look at her weirdly. But as she looked back to smile brightly, she noticed his expression. Codey Ellingson always seemed so composed yet at this very moment, he looked like he needed to be reanimated. Realizing what she'd done, she looked a bit wide-eyed and a bit embarrassed. She couldn't believe she'd said something so immature. But at the twitch of his lip and the way he began to speak she hoped he wouldn't kick her out.

    "No, she doesn't have a name," he started slowly, corners of his lips twitching in amusement. "But if you wish, I suppose .. Skittles is an intriguing name. Care to explain your reasoning?"

    Moving her bang from her face, she looked back at the dragon and began to explain. "My best friend Rhian, she introduced me to this candy, called Skittles. They're tiny circles with different colors and their catchphrase is, taste the rainbow. The colorful scales on this beauty" she said pointing at the edges so smoothly, "cause a light effect to happen on her scales making her glitter, like a rainbow. And her eyes, just look at her eyes" she breathed out forcing herself to not move forward, "they're multicolored and gorgeous, a walking rainbow. A Skittles"

    She laughed softly a bit embarrassed but she couldn't help but admit it. But as he chuckled she looked over her cheeks rising in color. Maybe she mucked everything up even more.

    "Of course, if you name one, you have to name the others - that is part of the reason I don't give names. It is just too tedious to name all the dragons I come across. But if you wish, you could help christen the rest, and I will ensure a plaque is made for each dragon to be placed below that of the species."

    "But people are named Sir" she replied quickly, "and they're far more tedious than these beautiful beasts. And less appealing to look at if I may be quite honest. But I wouldn't mind christening them, it gives them an added personality if you ask me. And-"

    Her words were cut off as she noticed the dragon take flight. Oh right as she flapped her wings the light hit the scales and she was enthralled. She closed her eyes as the large gust of wind came their way, forcing her to take a few steps back in surprise. But so worth it as she saw the majestic dragon fly.
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    Codey Ellingston
    Codey Ellingston

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    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyWed Jan 07, 2015 5:17 pm

    [[OOC: Sorry sorry sorry sorry SORRY Angie! This is far too late. >.<]]

    Listening to her explanation, Codey couldn't help but smile. The innocence and wonder at which she was speaking was different, and he found he was actually quite enjoying her company. It was like a breath of fresh air, away from all those people who claimed to love dragons, but were actually in it for the thrill, away from idiots who didn't know crap about the course they picked, and away from people who didn't truly have a passion for this line of work. To think he had found it in a Healer-in-training, well, that was honestly not something Codey expected, not that he would ever admit to it.

    A genuine smile on his face - and he was quite sure the witch before him wouldn't realize the rarity of the situation - he chuckled again. "Skittles it is, Miss Tess. I shall have a name plate made, and I will call you once that's been done so you may have the honour of placing it," he told her calmly, as though this sort of thing happened everyday.

    At her retort, his eyes widened slightly in surprise, and then he laughed softly, nodding in agreement. The witch was much more feisty that he could have ever imagined. "Fair point indeed. I think that is one of the reasons we don't name them; names are associated with people, and people are, as you so aptly put, tedious - and ugly at times. But, by all means, go ahead, Miss Tess, and name my dragons. I don't mind, and I am sure nobody else will."

    Instead of watching his Opaleye - Skittles - fly, he kept his gaze on the witch beside him, taking in her expressions. Awe. Not fear, like some had, and not mere interest. Rather, she looked as though she was watching Merlin himself winning a duel with magic never before seen by the world. And in that instant, he knew she was definitely someone he wanted in his classes. "Beautiful, isn't she?" he asked softly. "You really should take up dragon training as a second subject," he continued a moment later, bluntly. "It would be a pleasure to have someone like you in my classes. And believe me, I do not say things like that lightly."
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    Tess Holmes
    Tess Holmes
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    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptyThu Jan 08, 2015 8:29 pm

    . "Skittles it is, Miss Tess. I shall have a name plate made, and I will call you once that's been done so you may have the honour of placing it,"

    Tess laughed softly at his tone, as if they were properly talking about something serious. There was no hint of malice in his tone for her childish comment. She couldn't have helped it, and despite her flushed cheeks her embarrassment was long gone. If he was teasing she didn't mind it, so long as her childish nature wasn't held against her.

    Still, as he laughed at her comment about people, Tess grinned pleased at herself. Someone understood her dislike of people and more attachment to beasts. Smiling to herself she instead concentrated on the dragon, taking in her beauty in the best way she could. Tilting her head, she noticed how big she seemed, definitely the hormones. At the mention of her going into the career and majoring, she nodded.

    "I am genuinely considering it. I'll visit the headmaster tomorrow to try and pick up the second one. I think that you sold me on it" she murmured.
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    Codey Ellingston
    Codey Ellingston

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    PostSubject: Re: Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey)   Real Live Dragons (Tess and Codey) EmptySun Jan 18, 2015 12:50 am

    "I am genuinely considering it. I'll visit the headmaster tomorrow to try and pick up the second one. I think that you sold me on it"

    Smiling at the witch, Codey nodded. "If you need a source of reference, mention me. Believe me when I say I need students like yourself in my course. If they possessed half the passion I have seen in you today, I would be satisfied," he told her flatly. There had never been any qualms about speaking what was on his mind, especially not when it was the truth.

    It was rare for him to find a person he genuinely tolerated, let alone enjoyed, but he found he was beginning to really like Tess - not as a female interest, of course, but rather, a person. Codey could be a professional man if he wanted to be, but he was prone to acts of favouritism, and as such, knew he would definitely have to be careful in class. Outside of class, it didn't matter - the real world was unfair, after all - but he simply did not want to have to deal with complaints from idiots. Still, he couldn't help but feel an almost fondness for Tess, despite only spending a few hours with her.

    "If it helps to encourage you to join," he started, his feelings above being the only reason he was doing this, "I will be giving out dragon eggs during my first lesson as part of their first long term assignment - to hatch, of course, and raise until the fire-breathing stage." He paused to watch her reaction, smiling to himself before continuing. "This is, mind you, sensitive information. I trust you won't tell anyone and ruin the surprise. Now, for reasons I am sure you understand, I cannot give those who aren't my student an egg. If you are considering a double major, I suggest you make up your mind. In the meantime, I will set aside an Opaleye egg for you, should you decide to attend the course."

    Smirking a little, he knew that if this didn't convince her, nothing would - and he was very certain she would say yes.
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